January 2017: The beginning of gracepoint
Do not despise small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin (Zechariah 4:10).
My house shall be called a house of prayer
(Matthew 21:13).
Many of the greatest movements of God can be traced back to a small group of people He called together to begin praying.
- D.S. Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the
Christian Life
In January 2017, a group of ten people began to meet once a week at a local coffee shop for scripture, study, and prayer. These Tuesday night meetings became the eventual launching ground for Gracepoint as members began to seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance and purpose for their lives together. For weeks, group members prayed this prayer, “Lord, we don’t know what you would have us to do, but we are listening for you to give us direction.” As time progressed, it became evident that others in our community were praying that prayer too, some even saying they had dreamed about such a breakthrough moment. God began bringing people together from all corners of the community, their lives intersecting through divine grace.
By April of that year, there was strong agreement to begin meeting for worship on Sunday mornings. Worship began with 22 people meeting in a member’s workplace. When the group outgrew the space, members began meeting for worship at a burger restaurant in downtown Savannah. When attendance once again reached capacity, members were approached about renting, then buying the building where we currently worship and serve.
As time progressed, God opened a wide door of service into the addiction recovery community in our area. Gracepoint hosts A.A. meetings four nights a week and has members who are dedicated weekly to teaching God’s Word in local recovery centers and the county jail. Sunday worship is lively and encouraging as these communities come together as one in fellowship and devotion. Each week we see members bring friends and family members to Gracepoint. A growing youth and children’s program are a highlight of the church.
God continues to do amazing things at Gracepoint. Each week we see evidence of His divine love and power in our midst.
My house shall be called a house of prayer
(Matthew 21:13).
Many of the greatest movements of God can be traced back to a small group of people He called together to begin praying.
- D.S. Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the
Christian Life
In January 2017, a group of ten people began to meet once a week at a local coffee shop for scripture, study, and prayer. These Tuesday night meetings became the eventual launching ground for Gracepoint as members began to seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance and purpose for their lives together. For weeks, group members prayed this prayer, “Lord, we don’t know what you would have us to do, but we are listening for you to give us direction.” As time progressed, it became evident that others in our community were praying that prayer too, some even saying they had dreamed about such a breakthrough moment. God began bringing people together from all corners of the community, their lives intersecting through divine grace.
By April of that year, there was strong agreement to begin meeting for worship on Sunday mornings. Worship began with 22 people meeting in a member’s workplace. When the group outgrew the space, members began meeting for worship at a burger restaurant in downtown Savannah. When attendance once again reached capacity, members were approached about renting, then buying the building where we currently worship and serve.
As time progressed, God opened a wide door of service into the addiction recovery community in our area. Gracepoint hosts A.A. meetings four nights a week and has members who are dedicated weekly to teaching God’s Word in local recovery centers and the county jail. Sunday worship is lively and encouraging as these communities come together as one in fellowship and devotion. Each week we see members bring friends and family members to Gracepoint. A growing youth and children’s program are a highlight of the church.
God continues to do amazing things at Gracepoint. Each week we see evidence of His divine love and power in our midst.

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